Progression through Participation
Nowadays is the critical moment to shape the future of online youth engagement in democratic and civic life at EU level, and the concept of digital youth mobility.



Youth @cting for climate justice: building a paradigm of online and offline engagement in the covid era.

@CTJUST will pilot-test and define the right mix of physical and digital activities needed to enhance youth engagement. The thematic area selected for testing the developed youth engagement methodology is Climate Justice, which lately receives increased interest from youth. Project’s aim is to enhance civic and democratic engagement of youth at EU level, through a pilot-tested methodology, using digital means adapted to youth needs and contemporary reality.

Digital and smart youth work and mobility has emerged as a new trend / practice in the youth field, as the use of innovative digital forms of participation increasingly motivates youth to engage in action-led initiatives and policy making.

COVID-19 has further underlined this trend, and many youth activities has been transferred online.


Engage, empower and connect youth online, through European action-led initiatives and digital youth mobility related to climate justice.

Build online and offline structured cooperation among youth NGOs, policy makers and institutional stakeholders to bring young people across the EU together, enhancing their European identity.

Target Groups

Young people 18-30 years old, including youth facing social and economic exclusion, living in rural areas and/or coming from a migrant background from partners countries to attend the training programme and participate in action-led initiatives and policy dialogue related to climate justice

Youth organisations, NGOs and foundations active in the field of civic participation, climate justice, non-discrimination à to be involved in the project’s European Network of organisations supporting digital youth mobility and online youth engagement in civic and democratic life.

Public authorities responsible for youth agenda and climate justice in EU countries  will participate in policy hackathons and policy dialogue.


Increased online participation of youth in democratic and civic life.

Enhanced civic competences of youth, with a focus on critical thinking, digital skills and project design related to climate justice.

Increased opportunities for European action-led initiatives and digital youth mobility.

Enhanced sense of European identity.

Enhanced cooperation among youth NGOs and policy makers.

Increased youth participation in policy dialogue related to climate justice.

EU countries
Youth NGOs
Mentoring Sessions


ActionAid Hellas (AAH, is an affiliate of ActionAid International, a non-governmental development organization that works with more than 15 million people in 45 countries. ActionAid works at local, national and international level and favours participative methods based on the Human Right Approach, according to which people locally are involved in addressing their needs and in designing and planning a better place to live in. AAH was established in Greece in 1998, where it works to increase citizen engagement, foster active citizenship, especially among youth, and promote social inclusion of vulnerable people, while providing opportunities for collective action to achieve social and climate justice for all. Through its Community Centre in Athens, and its Youth Hub in Thessaloniki, AAH supports our fellow citizens who experience social and economic exclusion, and fosters volunteering culture and active citizenship among youth respectively. 1000 young people engage each year with AAH’s programmes and activities, and 40.000 students and youth participate in awareness raising campaigns related to global citizenship. Climate justice is one of the strategic priorities of ActionAid.

ActionAid Denmark (AADK) is one of the largest NGO’s in Denmark with more than 70 years of experience with development work, fighting for global justice, equality, diversity and sustainability. As part of the international alliance, ActionAid works on human rights-based development in more than 40 countries and reach more than 25 million of the world´s poor. Based in Copenhagen, the head office has approx. 100 full time employees (2019). AADK is very experienced in participatory learning pedagogy and its application in citizenship education. and has experience in developing online learning components for the Global Change Lab www.verdensmå (SDG’s). Since 2014, the National Programme & Policy (NPP) of AADK has been working to apply these values and principles to support and improve young people’s lives in Denmark, including refugees and vulnerable youth, and to fight discrimination, racism and stigmatization. Through dedicated and long-term efforts, AADK provides education, training and one-to-one support for life skills development and active citizenship – in cooperation with relevant local organisations and authorities. The NPP has approx. 10 full time employees (2020).

ActionAid Italia (AAIT) is part of the ActionAid International Federation, working to eradicate poverty and inequalities in 45 countries worldwide. Since 2011, it has been implementing projects to fight and prevent different forms of poverty (economic, educational and social) in Italy and to improve the quality of democracy through promoting rights, redistributing resources and strengthening resilience. AAIT works to enable people and communities to become actors of change through participatory and educational initiatives that ultimately strengthen their civic and social participation skills and foster advocacy activities toward local, national, and EU institutions. Particularly, AAIT works with young people especially vulnerable young people living in marginalized and disadvantaged areas as it deems its role key to fight poverty and injustice. AAIT can count on 143 employees, 300 activists (50% under 35yo) and a network of 30 local groups/associations. Moreover, it has an extensive communications capacity, as AAIT website gets 23K monthly visitors, while Instagram accounts for 14.500 followers, Twitter 51,800, and Facebook 475.290. In 2018 AAIT’s Facebook campaigns reached 9.000.000 unique users.

Alianza por la Solidaridad (ALIANZA) is a development organization rooted in the civil society with more than 34 years of experience with presence in 11 third countries in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. One of the main lines of ALIANZA’s work is the promotion of social participation and civic dialogue to tackle global challenges, including climate change, from a local perspective, while defending Human Rights, women´s rights, migrant rights, and youth. ALIANZA joined the Federation Action Aid in 2018 that has presence in around 45 countries in all continents, and youth engagement in civic and democratic life as well as climate justice are one of the Federations’ strategic priorities. ALIANZA participates in several EU funded projects, including Erasmus+ projects, EU Aid Volunteers, and European Solidarity Corps working on youth volunteering and social mobilisation, as well as AMIF, DEAR and DEVCO and ECHO projects in third countries.

National Non-Governmental Development Cooperation Organisations’ Platform (hereinafter referred to as Lithuanian NGDO Platform) is an association uniting organizations working in the field of development cooperation (DP) from Lithuania. Currently the Lithuanian NGDO Platform has 21 members. The Lithuanian NGDO Platform was established in 2007. The Lithuanian NGDO Platform is working to strengthen intercultural, civic and democratic societies in Lithuania, to expand opportunities for Lithuanian NGOs to participate in international development cooperation activities and to help develop their skills. We represent non-governmental development cooperation organisations in Lithuania, the European Union (EU) and other international organisations, and we are actively involved in the formulation and implementation of the EU-Lithuania Development Cooperation Policy. We strengthen NGO networking, transnational partnerships, perform monitoring and advocacy, contribute to policy development, exchange of good practice and cross-sectoral activities. As an EU member and donor country, Lithuania participates in international DP activities, whereby developed and developing countries can work together to create a harmonious world where everyone can fulfill their rights and obligations and live a dignified life. Competences and expertise of our member organizations: democracy, NGO law, education, social policy, equal opportunities, gender, health care, climate change, economics, human rights, mental health, civil society and inclusion, minorities, groups in social risk, migration, development cooperation, security, global education, youth, women rights, humanitarian action, humanitarian education, international relationship, children rights, social work, communication, nutrition, community development, the inclusion of elder people. Our main areas of activities: advocacy, policy, monitoring, research, analysis, events and short term / long term programs, trainings, actions, field work.

SUDWIND has been working on development education and awareness raising for 40 years. With a headquarter in Vienna and 7 regional offices in the provinces (ca 50 staff) it reaches out to local actors and public authorities all over Austria. SUDWIND applies its unique international development expertise (“Global Learning” methodology), to both its teaching and youth work, awareness raising, campaigning and advocacy. The diversity of SUDWIND’s projects reflects the complexity of North-South relations, culturally, economically, environmentally, politically, and interpersonally. SUDWIND is committed to environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable development. Being originally founded by the Austrian Youth Council for Development Cooperation, youth work has always been at the heart of its work. SUDWIND is currently engaged in the Erasmus+ projects “Youth against Hate”, “Reflections: educating for critical thinking, inclusive societies and dynamic engagement”, “EVOLVET – European Volunteer Coordinators” and “Agenda 2030: A training program for multipliers in the youth sector to understand the SDGs”, as well as numerous other projects focussing on youth (disadvantaged youth coming from migrant background), and the global role of the EU, co-financed by EuropeAid, AMIF, Europe for Citizens and the Austrian Development Agency.

YMCA, the largest and most historic world organisation for young people founded in 1844, nowadays is headquartered in Geneva, and continues its volunteer work in 119 countries with more than 58 million members. In Thessaloniki, YMCA ( was founded in 1921 and is an important chapter in both athletics and culture in Greece. The organisation’s actions promote fundamental human values, sustainable environment and climate justice, customs and traditions, culture, athletics and the importance of a healthy mind and body. YMCA promotes volunteering and active citizenship while strengthening the educational process through experiential programmes aimed at empowering young people. New digital tools appealing to youth such as social media, online/remote participation and education are fully utilised by YMCA, promoting direct communication and interaction of young volunteers and leaders throughout YMCA network. YMCA has more than 1,000 regular and 12,000 ad hoc members who take part in its programmes and activities. It is managed by 24 volunteers members of the Board of Directors (elected), who are assisted by 250 volunteer members serving on special committees. It has 45 regular staff members.

MANIFEST (eng. Youth Network – MANIFEST) Association (organization) is a youth organization, founded in 2018, which aims to help young people to solve various problems they face. Organization is one of the newest youth organizations in Serbia. The main goals of the organization are the following: to motivate young people, raise youth awareness, increase youth safety in public places and in schools, educate young people in the field of applying modern technologies with the aim of finding a job, to give a contribution to sustainable development in all sectors. Organization has held numerous trainings, most of them in the schools, on youth security, public safety, traffic safety, peer violence, climate changes, where the staff developed an Android application for anonymous peer reporting, youth education and digital literacy for young people, social inclusion and work with local government, youth activism (young people arranged the grounds, river beds and set up outdoor gyms). Today, most young people are uninterested or afraid of putting themselves in an awkward situation. That’s why this organization exists: to strive to help young people in various issues: realization of educational training and educational workshops on the topic of violence prevention, peer violence, discrimination, prejudice, sustainable development, climate change, strengthening entrepreneurial potential, promotion of gender equality and youth activism. Emphasis is also placed on promoting and developing volunteerism among young people, tolerance in accepting diversity, adopting a desirable model of behavior towards others, developing empathy. Young people have simply learned how to be more active and responsible citizens, to organize trainings, in order to motivate young people to express their opinions and to be free to engage in something that was unknown to them so far. AP includes young people, almost all of whom are highly educated (or near the end of their studies), with different educational backgrounds (engineers, economists, sociologists, etc.) and different abilities and different disabilities. In a team, the tasks are divided depending on experience and ability.

Resources / Methodology

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Online Trainings

8 online workshops will be organized in the framework of the ActJust Project. 48 hours in total. However not all the workshops need online participation. Through the various training modules, the participants will have the opportunity to meet more than 200 young people from all over the EU and learn about climate justice and climate change, develop digital competences and the necessary expertise to design and implement an action youth led initiative. The trainings include group and plenary sessions in which discussions about the knowledge received in each thematic area / module will take place.

The trainers of the programme are from ActionAid Hellas, ActionAid Denmark, ActionAid Italy, Alianza Spain, Sudwind Austria, NGDO Platform Lithuania, Youth Network, Manifest Serbia, YMCA of Thessaloniki Hellas.

The trainings will be held by all partners from 22nd of February and until 13th of April 2022. You may see the programme here!

Most of the trainings will be organized online, as this project explores the right mix of online and offline tools. For this reason, we will use Zoom, Padlet, Miro and other tools. However there will be group work and icebraking activities in physical space.

Important Note: All participants will receive the Youthpass certificate.

Action-led Initiatives

In May 2022 the Danish youth council started a campaign to collect cloths which could be upcycled or recycled. The campaign was aimed at students at several high schools in Copenhagen. It was agreed with the schools that they would dedicate a place for the students to hand in their cloths which could then be picked up and collected by someone from ActJust.  

At Roskilde Festival the youth council hosted two drop-in events where the purpose was to encourage the festival guests to upcycle and recycle their cloths instead of buying new. At the event all the guests were invited to find a piece of cloths from the collection and decorate it with statements (stamps) about the climate.  

The two events were a huge success and almost 500 festival guests dropped by. Most of all the event gave the youth council the possibility to inform about the climate change and how it effects in an inequal way. The youth council had up until the event made research on the fashion industry and how it affects the climate. This research was shared with the festival guest as they dropped by. 

The Greek Core youth team is consisted of 12 active young people who become a group and started working together in the youth led initiatives. Most of the young people participated in the online trainings and AAH supported the group with different mentoring sessions, climate experts, study visits and group work to prepare and design the action youth led initiatives. The group designed a campaign to raise awareness on climate change and climate justice. The campaign included the following actions: 

  1. Dolmadakia Project. The group invited young people to ActionAid’s Youth Centre in an alternative cooking workshop. The group cooked together with other young people the traditional Greek recipe “dolmadakia” which was a fun way to engage young people and invite them to the youth center. At the same time, the group designed a treasure hunt in the youth center connected with the SDGs. The participants had the chance to meet each other in an informal environment, learn more about climate change and SDGs and raise their motivation to support the campaign.
  2. Seedbombs Project. The group visited a gardening center outside Thessaloniki and participated in a workshop related to sustainable food and agriculture. During the workshop the participants had the chance to create their own seedbombs and share them with other people and a bigger audience during the “Buskers Festival”.
  3. Buskers Festival. During June 2022, ActionAid Hellas organised a big festival with the title “Buskers Festival” in the city of Thessaloniki. This festival was about climate justice awareness and ActJust participants supported it with a flashmob dance and a social theatre play. At the same time, the youth team informed the audience on climate justice by sharing the seedbombs and raising awareness about the project.
  5. Recycled paper workshop. The youth team organized another workshop in which the participants had the chance to learn ways to recycle old papers from books, A4 sheets or newspapers adding seeds as well.
  6. A podcast for climate justice has been implemented by young people with the support of the Alter Thess group.

The Italian action-led initiative consisted of an online social media campaign to raise awareness on climate justice and on its interconnections with social justice, gender justice, migration and global south solidarity. The campaign has been carried on throughout June 2022 on the GlobalPlatformItaly’s Instagram and Facebook accounts. A final event of the campaign was also organized on the occasion of ActionAid Italy’s Activists Assembly in Bologna, where the youth core team involved in the project interviewed people on the streets and asked them about climate change and climate justice. A video with all the interviews was then edited and published on the GlobalPlatform YouTube account. The aim of the video is to raise awareness about people’s knowledge of these themes. You can see it here!

On Friday 17 June, a face-to-face activity was held, which consisted of a meeting to reflect and debate on climate justice and, specifically, on desertification and drought on the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought.  

Isabel Iparraguirre, Coordinator of Ecological Transition, and Innovation at Alianza por la Solidaridad, participated online. As an expert on the subject, the meeting began with her intervention, in which she explained the concepts of desertification and drought linked to global aridity indices, temperature and rainfall variations in Europe for the year 2100 and the map of aridity in Spain, as well as the risk of desertification in Spain. The work of Alianza por la Solidaridad in terms of Climate Justice was also shared with the group.  

Subsequently, a debate was promoted in which we highlighted the young people’s opinion of the importance of the exhibition to inform themselves about a subject of which they had little knowledge, both terms and of the major problems facing the world in terms of desertification and drought. This activity was an opportunity to inform us about the risks to the planet and about activities that contribute to both worsening and improving them.  

The young people also had the opportunity to exchange views, interests and concerns regarding climate change, climate justice, drought, and desertification. At the end of the day, young people shared the conclusions they had drawn from the talk and discussion, with a positive outcome towards mobilisation and increased contextual awareness.

The aim of the initiative to raise awareness upon the young people on climate change and climate justice topics. The initiative consisted of several activities: 

  1. Presentation of the climate justice concept
  2. Workshop ‘’Utopian city: climate friendly and socially just’’
  3. Movie screening ‘’30/70’’
  4. Discussion and reflection

Until now we implemented 2 activities: 1 in Antakalnis gymnasium and second in Open Youth space ‘1st Flat’’. In both activities we had 25 participants.


The Austrian ActJust team decided to implement different action-led initiatives. As a first step, everybody submitted ideas and then the whole group voted for the actions to be carried out. The core group decided upon the following action-led initiatives: 

  1. Chalk street action: Linz, Graz
  2. Geo-caching: Kufstein, Wels, Vienna
  3. Events at service clubs: tbc
  4. Theatre action: Graz

It has to be highlighted that the initiatives were youth-led and bottom-up, i.e. Südwind did not provide the idea and invited youth to participate but ActJust activists had to be proactive and cooperate among themselves. This meant a lot of support work from Südwind’s side and more time needed for the initiatives but at the same time an extremely high level of motivation and engagement from the participants.  

Chalk street action 

On 02 July 2022, the ActJust activists draw with street chalk different provocative climate messages in the city centres of Linz and Graz, two of the biggest towns in Austria. The intention was to catch the attention of passers-by to raise awareness about the climate crisis and call for more climate justice. Statements included among others:  

  • “We cannot destroy the earth, we only exterminate ourselves.”
  • “2,400,000 children had to leave their homes in 2021 because of environmental disasters.”
  • “The earth is like a popsicle. Too hot and it’s gone.”
  • “Did you know that dangerous diseases and poisons lurk beneath the melting ice?”

It has been decided to choose the city centres of Linz and Graz because it was a sunny Saturday morning and many passers-by were guaranteed. 

In Linz the action took place at the main square which is surrounded by many cafes and people. 

In Graz the action took place along the route of the pride parade which was on 02 July and where many pride parade visitors would read the statements. 


Three regional groups of ActJust activists have developed geo-caches in the area of Kufstein, Wels and Vienna. Geo-caching is a great tool for climate sensitisation because they are educational, fun and collaborative. They can be used to reach people outside the climate-bubble and are a great tool to connect people with environment and nature. Therefore, the activists have decided to have the geo-cache close to a nice lake outside Kufstein, where old and young spend their leisure time during the whole year. The second one is close to a popular watchtower in Upper Austria – another popular place for excursions, and the third one is in Vienna in a neighbourhood which declared itself as climate friendly neighbourhood (called “Klima-Grätzl Mei Meidling”) and which is implementing many activities to promote climate justice. 

Events at service clubs 

Service clubs such as Lions, Rotary and others are voluntary non-profit charity organisations. Most of their members are powerful people such as mayors, business men etc. who have actually means to change something. In Austria, NGOs, advocacy organisations or climate activists usually don’t target these service clubs even though they are a perfect audience for having big impact. Therefore, the ActJust activists have planned to make presentations on climate justice at the meetings of these service clubs. 

Theater action 

Three ActJust activists from Styria are planning a theatre play on climate justice in spring 2023. More details about this initiative will be shared at a later stage.


The Serbian youth team is consisted of 10 active young people who become a group and started working together in the youth led initiatives. Most of the young people participated in the online trainings. Youth mentor supported the group with mentoring sessions and group work to prepare and design the action youth led initiatives. 

At first, our youth team prepare material and videos for movie with youth mentor and educator. They create and promotive material to share it with citizen. Youth team designed a campaign to raise awareness on climate change and climate justice and promote movie at all educations. All educations were leaded by our youth core team.  


The campaign included the following actions:  

  1. The activity was the promotion of the project outdoors, where we distributed promotional material on the main promenade in Niš and invited all those interested to attend our debate, which we later held in the premises of the Office for Youth. Along the way, we briefly presented the project to everyone who was interested and explained our goals. A large number of young people became interested.
  2. The activity was education at “Mija Stanimirovic” electrotechnical school in Nis, where we presented young people with global and local problems, the impact of modern technologies on the environment, etc. They were also shown a film that briefly talks about the problems that exist.
  3. First online youth mobility – We was presented our plans, movie and planned and organized activities to other youth from partner’s countries.
  4. The activity was an open debate in the premises of the Youth Office of city of Nis, where our film was presented to young people, and after that we all commented on whether there are additional problems and what solutions could be applied to prevent or reduce the problems that currently exist.
  5. The activity was education at the faculty “The academy of technical-vocational professional studies” where we presented the students with a presentation related to caring for the environment and then showed them our film. Many young people commented and gave suggestions for solving the existing problem.
  6. The activity was education at the “Bora Stankovic” high school in Vranje, where the material “Climate change and other negative impacts that lead to it” was presented to young people. High school students presented additional problems that are present in their surroundings and environment, and we consulted each other on how best to solve the problems. A film was also presented to them.
  7. The activity was education at the “Institute for the education of youth” in Nis, where the planned education of migrants, of whom there were about 10 in the Institute, and young people who come from a lower social class or are a national minority or have a criminal record. Unfortunately, a few days before the training, most of the migrants moved on, so only one migrant and a couple of vulnerable young people (poor, with a crime file, etc.) attended the training. The education was also attended by their teachers. The title of theeducation was “Climate change and the impact of migration on climate change”. A film was also presented.

Policy Brief for Climate Justice

Recomendations on Digital and Physical youth engagement



Youth @cting for climate justice: building a paradigm of online and offline engagement in the covid era.